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A significant increase in stern tube-related damage claims in recent years.

The introduction of Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EAL) in 2013, the number of reported damages grew rapidly, says Cefor, and adds that this continues to be a source of great concern for its members because there is little evidence that the number of reported incidents is dropping.

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On May 15 2024, a fire broke out on the tanker AV Aqua Marine, a decommissioned oil tanker anchored near the Port of Port-of-Spain.

As local news sources report, the vessel, abandoned in local waters since 2011 and purchased for scrap metal, was undergoing work when a spark ignited residual fuel onboard. Firefighters, aided by the Coast Guard, Marine Police, and Port Authority, battled the blaze for approximately three-and-a-half hours, with assistance from a Port Authority tugboat.

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Two fishermen lost their lives when their fishing boat collided with the cargo ship named Sagar Yuvaraj approximately 20 nautical miles northwest of Edakkazhiyoor beach in Thrissur on 13th May.

One of the deceased has been identified as Gafoor, aged 47, the son of Sidiq from Ponnani. The other victim is Salam, aged 45, the son of Muhammed Kutty, originally from Azhikkal in Ponnani. Additionally, four other individuals aboard the fishing boat sustained injuries.

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Docking in diverse ports around the world is a complex task that goes beyond maritime regulations and navigational skills. Understanding and respecting the cultural sensitivities of different regions is crucial to ensuring a smooth and successful port visit. Cultural awareness plays a pivotal role in fostering positive relationships with local communities and authorities.